Sluit aan by ons lojaliteits program deur die miPHY selfoon toeplassing af te laai en Castle Walk of Castle Ridge te kies as jou apteek. My eerste beloning aan jou is ons Spectra insect and lice spray.
Kom bederf jouself! Spandeer al jou lojaliteits afslag in ons apteke of aanlyn en met sjokolade by Snyman Sjokolateur.
Klik hieronder om af te laai.
Join our loyalty program by downloading the MiPHY mobile app now and select Castle Walk or Castle Ridge as your preferred pharmacy.
My first reward to you is my Spectra insect and lice spray.
Come treat yourself! Spend all your loyalty discount in our pharmacies or online and with chocolate from Snyman Sjokolateur.
Click below to download.
1. Verdien 10% terug op alle aankope in ons apteke en aanlyn.
2. Kry 'n "Spectra Insect and Lice Spray" as geskenk as jy aansluit.
3. Met die miPHY toepassing gee ons jou persoonlike diens en nog baie ander voordele!
1. Get 10% cash back on all purchases in our pharmacies and online.
2. Get a Spectra Insect and Lice Spray when you join.
3. With the miPHY app we will give you personal service and a lot more benefits!

Audio testimonial

Dawn Henning
" Middag Hannes. Ek en my dogter het van jou produkte gebruik en dit werk!!! Jy het vir my van die produkte vir my kleinkinders ook gegee, en die Volcano C. Tot dusver het hulle nog geen verkoue gehad nie. Amazing..want hierdie tyd in die verlede was hulle vrot van die verkoue. Al jou produkte werk. Baie dankie en die sjokolade is amazing lekker. Groetnis en pas jou op."
" Afternoon Hannes. My daughter and I have used some of your products and they work!!! You gave me some of the products for my grandchildren as well, and the Volcano C. So far they haven't had any colds. Amazing..because this time in the past they got the cold quite badly. All your products work. Thank you very much and the chocolate is amazingly delicious. Greetings and take care."
Bio puncture is an injection technique where we inject the natural homeopathic remedy with a very small needle to areas of spasm and pain and where there’s inflammation instead of using cortisone and other remedies.

Snyman Sjokolateur Chocolates
Snyman Sjokolateur would like to dream and plan with you.
Whether you would like to spoil yourself or a loved one, or are planning a special function or a corporate event, we encourage you to schedule time for the sweet things in life. Let's ensure that your road leads to Snyman Sjokolateur, or ours to you...